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A Call to be Radical

Commissioners Francis visit the Bermuda Division

Fri 17th Oct 2008 Add comment
Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis made their first visit to Bermuda from September 29-October 1. The territorial leaders were welcomed at the airport by Majors Doug and Bettyann Lewis, divisional leaders, and officers and soldiers of the Bermuda Division.

Within hours of their arrival, the commissioners were already engaged in discussion with Salvationists. Commissioner Marilyn Francis met with home league ladies from across the island, and encouraged them to be “connected in the vine.” She also enrolled two ladies from North Street Citadel. West End Community Church was responsible for the entertainment, recreating the atmosphere of the 24th of May parade that annually portrays the heritage and culture of Bermuda. The mini-parade included the smartly dressed Bermuda Regiment Band, the marching horses, the marathon runners, the Majorettes twilling their batons and as always at the end of the parade the colourful “Gombeys.” There was much laughter and fun as the home league women shared in fellowship.

Commissioner William Francis met with the division’s corps sergeant majors and assistant pastors. Following introductions and prayer, the Territorial Commander engaged the CSMs in conversation. They discussed the vision for the division, recruitment of officers from Bermuda, local officers’ vital role to the corps, governance issues, the flow of information from the top down to the grass-roots and the importance of divisional meetings that inform, unite and encourage. They also revisited the outcomes and recommendations of the Bermuda THQ and DHQ Task Force that was set up to restructure the division and put in place steps to sustain the mission.

Tuesday was a day of celebration as the commissioners visited the various corps and social institutions on the Island. At the Harbour Light, the territorial leaders listened as some of the clients shared their stories and then they, in turn, passed on some encouraging and life-giving words.

At the Emergency Housing Complex, they were introduced to the Dreaming in Colour program, which prepares the homeless to re-enter society as productive, self-sufficient people.

The Divisional Welcome Meeting was held on Tuesday night at North Street Citadel, with participation of the Divisional Band, Jabulani with a vibrant time of praise and worship and Patreese Simmons in dance. Commissioner Marilyn sang a solo, “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light.”

In his message, Commissioner William Francis spoke about “The Source,” based on the text found in Acts 17:28a: “For in him we live and move and have our being.” He challenged Salvationists to live out a radical life style and to understand that Christ needs to be our source of life.

On the final day, on the way to the airport, the commissioners made a visit to the ‘ole’ town of St. George’s and to the home of the oldest church in the western hemisphere, St. Peter’s.

The Salvation Army in Bermuda is alive and well and continues to touch many lives every day in its corps and social ministries.

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