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Winnipeg Salvationists Welcome Witnesses for Christ

Tue 2nd Oct 2007 Add comment

Welcome of CadetsTo the rousing music of Winnipeg East Band, the 16 cadets of the Witnesses for Christ Session stepped onto the platform at Winnipeg’s Elim Chapel, where they were greeted by Commissioners William W. and Marilyn D. Francis and Colonels Glen and Eleanor Shepherd, territorial leaders. It was an occasion to celebrate God’s continuing call to full-time service and the start of a lifetime of ministry as Salvation Army officers.

A large group of Salvationists, friends and family members were present to encourage and welcome the new cadets. In addition, the second-year cadets of the God’s Fellow Workers Session committed to embracing them into the college experience as they shared the learning journey together.

Though the new session comes from across the territory, 8 of the 16 cadets are from Alberta. The average age is 30, with 80 percent having come to faith as a child or teenager. Each cadet expressed the hope that God would use and work through them, many citing the cries and needs of the people as the vehicle God used to call them to full-time ministry.

Commissioner Marilyn D. Francis, territorial president of women’s ministries, challenged the cadets from Philippians 1:6. Like Paul, she expressed her confidence that “he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” (KJV). The commissioner had the congregation repeat the promise to the new cadets to assure them that God had not only called them to the possible but that he would perform it in their lives.

The joint sessions of cadets sang the new sessional song, Witnesses for Christ, written by Commissioner Keith Banks of the United Kingdom Territory. The stirring and meditative music beautifully captured the biblical themes of being witnesses for Christ.

Commissioner William Francis, territorial commander, reminded the cadets that just as God had called them to full-time service, he had called them aside for this time of preparation and to equip them for their future ministry. Referring to their sessional name, he said that they had been chosen to be witnesses to all that Christ was and is, including his martyrdom.

In the same way as Jesus took up his cross to face his ordained task, they are to give of themselves intentionally and fully as they up their own cross in sacrificial service. In the words of John Wesley, they are not called to “a fair summer religion” but a lifelong journey with Christ. Using Annie Johnson Flint’s familiar song, He Giveth More Grace, the commissioner also reminded the cadets that God’s grace would be sufficient for them in the days ahead.

- Lt-Colonel Ray Moulton, Editor-in-Chief

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