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Spiritual Direction: What is it and Who Needs it?

Fri 1st Jun 2007 Add comment

bibleistock_000002841137xsm.jpgSpiritual Direction is the process of accompanying people on a spiritual journey. Spiritual Direction exists in a context that emphasizes growing closer to God, and people aren't always sure how to do that. That’s where a spiritual director comes in. They give guidance and support.

Everyone is hungry but we don’t always know for what. We want something and can’t name it. What we really long for is connection with God. This is where the Spiritual director comes in. Our journey is a sacred one that God never intended for us to travel alone. Spiritual Direction is about Holy listening, about presence and attentiveness. Spiritual Direction is about having a companion on the journey. The focus is on the directee’s relationship with God.

The director and directee sit together to help the directee discern what God may be saying or calling their attention too. It’s nice to have someone with whom you can talk confidentiality about your relationship with “The Holy” without fear of critism or judgment. The directee’s role is to help you to develop, deepen and discern; in other words it’s a sacred journey for people seeking wholeness.

If this sounds like something you’re interested in check it out, set up a time to meet with a spiritual director. Someone you are comfortable with. (That usually takes at least four meetings). Generally you meet for one hour a month. Sometimes the relationship continues for long period of times. Some like to see the same director for several years, other relationships may be shorter. Either way, you can expect God to meet with you. God says that when we seek Him with our whole hearts that He will be found. Jer. 29:13.

The Glory of God is YOU fully alive. Why not become all you can be?

by Kathy Dickens (Major)
Chaplain, Meighen Retirement Residence

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