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Salvationists welcome new territorial leaders

Fri 13th Jul 2007 Add comment

installation.jpgOn Thursday, July 12, a great crowd of Salvationists and friends gathered on the lawn of Jackson’s Point divisional camp north of Toronto to welcome Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis as the new territorial leaders for Canada and Bermuda. The occasion marked their official installation, which was conducted by Commissioners Max and Lennie Feener, Canadian officers currently serving as leaders of the U.S.A. Southern Territory.

An outdoor barbecue preceded the public meeting, giving guests an opportunity to meet informally with the Francises and their family before the main event. Present for the occasion were their son and daughter-in-law, Captains Billy and Annalise Francis from the U.S.A. Eastern Territory, as well as their daughter, Susan Derence, Commissioner William Francis’ 89-year-old mother, Marjorie Francis, and other family members who were there for encouragement and support.

Following an exhilarating prelude by the Canadian Staff Band (Bandmaster Brian Burditt), the new leaders were marched in to rousing applause by the large congregation. Colonel Glen Shepherd, chief secretary, then welcomed those who had gathered and introduced young Emily Chinnery from Yorkminster Citadel, who presented the Francises with a bouquet of flowers.

The opening song, Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven, was followed by a prayer by Major Jean Moulton, secretary for personnel, before the staff band’s worship team led in two praise choruses reminding the congregation of God’s faithfulness and inviting him to reign in their hearts through his power. The Francises’ daughter, Susan, then read Scripture from Luke 4:14-20.

For its main contribution to the evening, the band presented Lift Jesus High, a new selection including the choruses We Want to See Jesus Lifted High and I Exalt Thee. The inspirational music preceded moments of consecration and commitment in which Commissioners Max and Lennie Feener, on behalf of the General, officially installed Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis as territorial commander and territorial president of women’s ministries. Significantly, the three flags of Canada, Bermuda and The Salvation Army were held by the Francises’ son, daughter and Commissioner William Francis’ sister, Betty Flemming.

In introducing the Francises, Commissioner Max Feener commented that they were “Jesus people.” He spoke of their passionate love for God, each other, their family, people and The Salvation Army. Describing them as godly leaders with servant’s hearts, gifted communicators and wonderful pastors, he asked the congregation to give them their prayerful support as they commenced their new ministry. Commissioner Lennie Feener then read a message from General Shaw Clifton in which he commended the Francises to the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

Turning to the new territorial leaders, Commissioner Max Feener then charged them to uphold all the duties of their appointments. He reminded them that “the God who sustained you through all your previous years of service is the same Lord who will empower and enable you to lead.”

The congregation then joined in prayer as Commissioners William and Marilyn Francis knelt at the holiness table to consecrate themselves to their new tasks. Commissioner Lennie Feener offered a prayer of dedication in which she asked God to give them grace and strength to serve their people. The new leaders then stood, were formally introduced and were greeted with a standing ovation by the appreciative congregation.

In her response, Commissioner Marilyn Francis acknowledged her gratitude to those present for the warmth of their welcome. Borrowing a line from Charles Wesley’s hymn And Can It Be?, she recounted her own experiences as a young child in giving her heart to the Lord and told of her introduction to the Army and subsequent years of service. Describing God’s marvellous intervention in her life, she asked, “And can it be … that God can do all these things?” and answered her own question with a triumphant, “Yes, it can!” Describing Heaven as God’s ultimate purpose for all believers, she spoke of God’s peace, power and presence that we have to sustain us on our journey. “As Christians,” she said, “we need to get our eyes off earth and focus on why we are living.” She promised to serve the people of the Canada and Bermuda Territory and vowed, “By his grace we will work together.”

Following words of welcome by junior soldier Madeline Brown of Mississauga Temple, Steve Pavey of Richmond Hill Community Church spoke on behalf of senior soldiers throughout the territory. “Salvationists in Canada and Bermuda have been wrestling with many issues in recent years,” he noted. “We may not always agree or see eye-to-eye, but we are united in our commitment to Christ and The Salvation Army.”

Major Holly Patterson, director of Toronto immigration and refugee services, Ontario Central-East Division, spoke on behalf of officers from throughout the territory. Quoting words from the Apostle Paul, she applied them to the new leaders, whose godly reputation had preceded their appointment to the territory: “When I heard of the solid trust you have in the Master Jesus and your outpouring of love to all the followers of Jesus, I couldn't stop thanking God for you-every time I prayed, I'd think of you and give thanks. But I do more than thank. I ask-ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory-to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally, your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do, grasp the immensity of this glorious way of life he has for his followers, oh, the utter extravagance of his work in us who trust him-endless energy, boundless strength!” (Ephesians 1:15-19 The Message).

The Francises’ son and daughter-in-law, Captains Billy and Annalise Francis, then presented a vocal duet, The Prayer. The song was an appropriate plea for God to bless and sustain the newly-installed leaders, granting them wisdom and grace as they take up their sacred responsibilities.

In his first official message as territorial commander, Commissioner William Francis shared how he looked forward to working with Canadian and Bermudian Salvationists and spoke of his vision for the future. “My prayer is that together we will move forward in building the Kingdom and the Army in this great territory,” he commented. He referred to Jesus’ reading from the Book of Isaiah as recorded in Luke 4:18-19: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favour."

Indicating that this was Jesus’ mission statement, the commissioner remarked that Salvationists must claim it for their own. He cited the example of the early Church, when Christians knew their true citizenship was not of this earth. “Those first-century Christians were noted for outliving, out-thinking and out-dying their contemporaries,” he said. “Like them, we must be convinced of our message, concerned for the lost and committed to evangelism. This is our duty as Salvationists.”

Following moments of reflection and response, as seekers came to kneel and renew their dedication to God, the meeting concluded with a final song of challenge, in which the congregation prayed, “God of grace and God of glory, on thy people pour thy power.” The united prayer was echoed in the benediction given by Mrs. Marjorie Francis, Commissioner William Francis’ mother, before a final march from the staff band brought the evening to a triumphant conclusion.

The event marked the beginning of a new chapter for the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Salvationists were pleased to welcome their new leaders and look forward to serving under their ministry in the days to come.

by Major Kenneth Smith
Associate Editor, Salvationist

Update: Click here to see photos from this event.

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