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Reasons why holiday volunteers are important

Thu 13th Dec 2007 Add comment

volunteers.jpgI. "Some people feel the more you buy, the better off they are, but that's not true, your own self-worth is what's important. I volunteer (with the kettle campaign) because I see so much suffering on the streets and I know they (The Salvation Army) are doing something about it."

2. "The first time I did the kettle drive, it was the homeless people that inspired me, This one homeless man returned his bottles and put the money in the kettle, Jim, I still remember his name, It was that experience that told me this was a worthwhile cause.

3. "The money people donate goes to serving meals to people who otherwise wouldn't get a meal and it takes a few people off the streets because of the new shelter."

4. "Most people have been given so much in life. My sense is that a lot of what people have is just the luck of the draw, Where you live, who you know, determines whether or not you have the things you need. Volunteering to help others, or giving money, is about trying to level that out, even if it's just a little bit."

5. "I found out years ago the more you give the more you receive. Even when I was a kid, when I did something for someone, I felt good about it. I was the one who usually benefited the most by donating my time."

6. "One of the big benefits from volunteering is the weight loss. I lost five pounds last year. Outside is the best place to volunteer because you have to keep moving if you want to keep warm."

7. "You get to see people at their best -- parents, kids, everyone. I go out three times a week and it makes my Christmas, Christmas wouldn't be the same without it now. "
-- As told to Derek Spalding.

by Ruth Chase (Ruth Chase is a volunteer for Nanaimo's Salvation Army kettle drive)
Reprinted with permission by the Nanaimo Daily News

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