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International Leaders Visit Toronto

Fri 27th Apr 2007 Add comment

general-in-toronto-079.jpgOn Wednesday, April 25, 2007, a large group of officers and employees gathered at territorial headquarters in Toronto to welcome General Shaw Clifton and Commissioner Helen Clifton on their first official visit to the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Following introductions and a prayer by Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan, territorial commander, both Commissioner Clifton and the General brought greetings to the assembled staff before meeting privately with members of the territorial Cabinet. The occasion marked the beginning of a four-day visit to Toronto and Winnipeg in which the international leaders would have ample opportunity to meet Canadian Salvationists.

Thursday morning began with a prayer breakfast attended by Salvationists and friends of the Army, including many advisory board members, business executives, government and religious leaders. Taking the theme Compassion Unleashed, the occasion also marked the celebration of 125 years of Salvation Army ministry in Canada. Basing his remarks on John 21, the story of Christ's post-resurrection breakfast with His disciples, the General spoke about the intimacy that sharing a meal brings. He challenged his listeners to not be afraid of entering into this kind of intimate relationship with Jesus as they minister to others in His name.

The afternoon officers’ councils, led by the territorial commander and chief secretary, provided a rich time of fellowship and spiritual inspiration. In his message from 2 Timothy 4, the General encouraged his officer colleagues, with whom he identified as fellow leaders, to stand true to their mutual calling. Taking his text from Paul’s words in verse 17-“The Lord stood at my side and gave me strength”-he urged them to claim Christ’s presence during the challenging days of their own ministry.

In the evening, a large congregation of Salvationists and friends gathered at Bayview Glen Church to greet the international leaders and be inspired by their message. Following a prelude by the Canadian Staff Band and Ontario Central Divisional Youth Chorus, the General and Commissioner Helen Clifton marched in from the back of the auditorium to receive a warm welcome. The meeting was a wonderfully rich and diverse expression of Army ministry and included participation by Salvationists from various ethnic backgrounds, representing the multicultural mosaic that is Toronto. A member of the youth chorus, Will Currie, shared how happy he was to be a Christian and how God was helping him to be a witness to his unsaved family.

Commissioner Helen Clifton cited the example of how her parents had been invited to the Army as children and how that led to their acceptance of Christ in their young lives. She encouraged those present never to forget the importance of personal invitations. Picking up on that same theme in his message, the General emphasized the importance of the mercy seat and encouraged his listeners to follow the example of Andrew in bringing others to Jesus. “We must never forget that we are a Salvation Army,” he commented. “The souls of people are our top-most priority. Nothing else matters.” A large response then followed as many came forward to kneel in dedication. The meeting then ended on a note of praise and celebration as people rose to affirm their united testimony in song: “Glory, glory, hallelujah, he reigns!”

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