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International Days of Prayer and Fasting

Wed 15th Aug 2007 Add comment

For three days this fall, Friday, September 28 - Sunday, September 30, 2007, The Salvation Army and many other Christian faiths around the world will pray and fast for those who are suffering unimaginable evils globally and in our midst.

In the Canada and Bermuda territory events will vary depending on your location. There will be:

• Times of prayer and reflection at men’s and women’s camps and rallies. (It is equally a men’s and women’s issue.)
• Prayer walks through neighbourhoods affected by prostitution.
• Worship services dedicated to prayer and contemplation of human trafficking.
• An ecumenical worship service and benefit concert featuring Steve Bell in Winnipeg Saturday afternoon and evening.
• Youth events focusing on the issue


Resources, a sermon outline, and a downloadable brochure will be available for use at

Prayer guides have been distributed to corps across the territory and each divisional representative of TSA Anti-human trafficking network is available to present on the issue. A list of the divisional representatives is available on the web site.

The Salvation Army US National Headquarters is hosting a site where all people who are participating can register their activities and then post how God has spoken and answered prayer.

The Days of Prayer and Fasting was an inspiration over two years ago through Dr. Cornelius Buller, then of The Salvation Army’s Ethics Centre.

Vision: One day around the world people everywhere fast and pray regarding the evils of human trafficking.

Purpose: Petition God to change things, to put an end to these evils, and to hear from God how He calls all people to serve, prevent, rescue and restore.

The Day: Gather for an hour in the morning, coffee breaks, noon and the last hour of the working day (or all day) in offices and workplaces with all who are willing to participate: management, employees, and clients for worship, Scripture readings and extended times of prayer. This victory will be won by the might of the Lord and in His wisdom. Prayer and fasting are foundational to anything we do.

Times of prayer: Individual and Corporate
Confession: Greatness and love of God, our neediness, worship and thanks for salvation. Revelation 15:3-4.
Repent: Lack of love and sacrifice, lack of obedience, etc. as needed. 2 Chronicles 7:14
Thanksgiving: For forgiveness in Jesus Christ, for unity in Christ, for who we are in Christ, for each other, for the mission to which we are called, and so forth. Ephesians 1:3-14.
Intercession (this is the main focus):
• The people (mostly women and children) enslaved through human trafficking (salvation, freedom, new life, hope, peace, presence of God, miracles, etc.) Amos 8:4-6; Luke 6:17-23;
• For people around the world at risk (better options, safety, salvation, etc.) Isaiah 61:1-4;
• For those who have escaped (thanksgiving, renewal, peace, forgiveness, freedom from bitterness, salvation, etc.) Exodus 15:1-18; Luke 6:17-23;
• For spiritual, social, economic, and political renewal in Christ for communities and countries from which women and children are taken - by combinations of deception and force;
• Against evil forces of wickedness (not the major focus, as God directs) and against the agents of wickedness (changed hearts, defeat of evil plans, failure of evil purpose, confusion, exposure, justice, repentance - these groups are not the major focus) Luke 6:24-26; Ephesians 6:10-12.;
• For all who combat this wickedness including individuals, NGOs, and various organizations, for example the UN (passion, wisdom, discernment, safety, love, effectiveness, unity, filling of the Holy Spirit) Ephesians 3:14-19; 6:13-18 and Acts 4:24-31; and
• For governments, police and military (repentance as needed, meaningful commitments and actions in global unity against organized crime) Proverbs 21:1-8; 1 Timothy 2:12.
Conclude with thanksgiving and praise - trusting that God will indeed change things! Philippians 4:6&7 and Numbers 6:22-27.

A Call to Action:
• Record what happened during the day of prayer and fasting; including new sense of direction, calling and empowerment, as well as, planned actions. With thanksgiving and hope diligently do what the Lord calls and empowers us to do. (Proverbs 21:5)
• Record what develops during the coming year in readiness to share at a second International Day of Prayer and Fasting. Plan for a year later to testify to what God has done, praise him, and to press ahead for further victories.

by Dianna Bussey

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