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International Day of Older Persons

Mon 1st Oct 2007 Add comment

ottawaseniors.jpgOctober 1 has been designated as International Day of Older Persons.

The world is getting older and in the next 50 years, the number of older persons will nearly quadruple, growing from about 600 million to almost 2 billion people. Today, one in every ten is 60 years and older. By 2050, one out of every five will be an older person, and by 2150, one third of the people in the world are expected to be 60 years of age or older.

Sharon Dean, administrator for seniors’ ministries, Woodroffe Community Church, Ottawa, reports on one the church’s most active programs.

“The Sunshine Club at Woodroffe Community Church in Ottawa has been functioning for 38 years. This group of seniors (50+) meets twice a month for worship, fellowship, information, fun and food. The average attendance is about 57. Members come from the community, neighbouring churches and from our own church. In Ottawa there is only one Salvation Army senior’s club so attendees also come from other local Army churches. We also have a few mentally challenged seniors from L’Arche Ottawa who love to attend.

We have a Sunshine Club committee that helps in the planning of special events and outings. A club phone committee keeps in touch with all members to make sure everyone is feeling well and reminds them of upcoming events. We take a bus trip in the summer and a bus trip to the Gatineau Hills in the fall, complete with a Thanksgiving Dinner. Mystery trips in the spring are fun and we often visit tourist sites that are found in our Capital city. During the summer we meet for breakfast, picnics, movies and mini-golf. There is no such thing as a summer break - we’d miss each other too much!

Each meeting takes place in the church sanctuary for a time of praise, worship, prayer and devotional challenges. Many guests are invited to speak at these meetings so we can be more informed about the world around us. We have learned more about places around the world, dental and mental health issues, the work of The Salvation Army social services, fire prevention and the ABC’s of fraud.

Music students from the local high school come to entertain us and we have fun parties where the dress code is often geared to a theme. Our own seniors also share their talents, hobbies and work experiences. We combine services with another senior’s club choir from a neighbouring church, which is fun to meet and share experiences.

In 2005 we commenced our own hand bell choir known as the JOY BELLS under the direction of Hank van der Horden. We have 16 members who meet and practice for performances. Our seniors now visit nursing homes and share this unique way of expressing joyful sounds! The learning curve doesn’t stop when you reach a certain age!

We have a wonderful food committee of husband and wife team, Eric and Yolande Trafford. For each meeting they prepare meals for the seniors that attend. It is good to share a light lunch around the table with friends instead of eating alone - and it tastes better when you don’t have to make it yourself!

One of our senior’s, Edith Merkel, says, “I enjoy the good atmosphere, fun, and good humour. It is educational with a chance to keep in touch with the world outside. It is something to do when I am lonely and gives me the chance to meet seniors who are not members of The Salvation Army, and who have many unsung talents. It is great to have a chance to be of some help and it increases my self-worth.”

Sunshine club members have a keen interest in others who are less fortunate. The club sponsors two children through The Salvation Army Child sponsorship program. At present we have two girls, one in Ghana and the other in Singapore. Each year we raise funds for this project through a loonie/toonie sale. The seniors also had a baking bee and provided our local fire station personnel with a batch of treats to thank them for their services in our community.

It is our desire as a club to recognize our seniors as persons of worth in our community. We also want to share the love of God through our ministry as we meet on a regular basis. We have good Christian fellowship, and with God’s help support each other on our journey. This is our Theme Song:

Lord it’s me again, I’m always needing You.
I can’t make it by myself, no matter what I do.
You hold that keys that opens doors,
And let’s me walk on through,
Lord it’s me again, I’m always needing You

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