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International Day of Older People - October 1st

Thu 20th Sep 2007 Add comment

We can all acknowledge that this business of aging is nothing new. We can go back to Bible times and see such colorful characters as Methuselah, Abraham and Sarah, Moses, Noah, Jacob and a host of others who lived to a ripe old age and did many wonderful things. Today, seniors are encouraged to stay young by participating in health and wellness programs, exercise and fitness groups, keeping their minds sharp, being informed, staying active and involved.

Let us take time to “Salute and Celebrate” our Seniors. What an amazing group of people! If you want to have fun, just hang out with Seniors! I can attest to the truth of this statement. This past summer my husband, Doug and I were invited to share in the leadership of two Senior’s, or as the Maritime Division calls it, 50+ Camps. In August we were at Roblin Lake Camp near Belleville in the ON Central East Division. We celebrated under the theme “Hawaii 5 ‘O’! We witnessed that the ‘old image of the ‘elderly’, that some people have, was just simply not true! What a blast! There was one lady there in her 90’s. She took part in a skit at Fun Night. No need for a script, her acting skills, facial expressions and independence were energizing and just a delight to experience. Then in September we attended Scotia Glen’s, 50+ Camp in the Maritimes. What an energetic bunch! We celebrated under the caption, “Remember When . . .” To hear them reminisce and share from the wealth of their life experiences was thrilling. We celebrated the past, shared good time memories and remembered the faithfulness of God down through the years, rejoicing in the fact that God still has a plan and purpose for each of us regardless of age.

What a privilege was ours to be amongst such an ‘inspiring’ and ‘aspiring’ group of energetic and encouraging people.

Throughout the Canada and Bermuda Territory we are blessed with 105 Ministries to Seniors Groups with a total membership of 4,490. They are known in our individual Corps as, ‘Keenagers’, J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Groups, Young at Heart, Freedom 50+’ers, The Happy Trails Gang and so on. They visit with other Senior Groups in their local settings, go on bus trips, some are invited to schools and various youth groups to speak on topics of their life experiences, teach practical skills, share their hobbies, volunteer at many community functions, etc. Our Corps and Divisions are busy organizing an exciting range of events to encourage positive ageing. There are Senior’s Camps and Rallies, Day Trips, Dinner Parties, Meet and Greet Luncheons, picnics, walks, sports days and competitions, where everyone is encouraged to get involved to their comfort zone and capabilities.

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