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Environmental Analysis Project

Tue 3rd Jul 2007 2 comments

As people made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27), we have been entrusted with the care of the earth’s resources (Genesis 2:15).  Stewardship requires that we use these resources in a manner which ensures the well-being of present and future generations.” (Position Statement on Responsibility for the Environment, Salvation Army Canada & Bermuda Territory)

The Canada & Bermuda Territory is embarking on a project to ensure congruence between our practice and the values articulated in our Position Statement. Good stewardship of our resources requires intentional application; this project is an affirmation of our stated organizational commitment to sustainable environmental policies and practice.

The first stage of the project is a three-month research analysis coordinated by the Ethics Centre.  A researcher, Ms Amy Fisher, M.A., has been hired and will spend the summer months analyzing select territorial and divisional policy, developing a collection of resources to inform organizational practice and producing a report summarizing the current reality and recommending next steps.

Anyone with information to share about things their department or ministry unit are doing to model good environmental stewardship, concerns they might have about the Salvation Army’s policy and practice as it concerns care for creation, or with questions about the project are encouraged to contact Amy at Territorial Headquarters (416-422-6116) or by email at

Over the next few months, Ms Fisher will be in touch with different departments and units to conduct field visits and interviews.  Thank you in advance for your input and cooperation.

Glen Shepherd
Chief Secretary

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Two Responses

  1. Comment from Herb, Sat 7th Jul 2007 1:57am

    How quickly this article got moved off the main page! The flickering hope that one of our more influential leaders has actually recognized the theological correctness (never mind the political, moral or ethical correctness) of preserving our inheritance from God for the benefit of our children's children's children, and that his doing so might set an example for other officers to follow, and that such a trend might actually impact our largely middle-class consumer laity and bring the Salvation Army back from the brink of oblivion is something that needs to be kept in sharp focus.

  2. Comment from Amy Fisher, Mon 9th Jul 2007 11:53am

    Thank You Herb,

    Although I understand that the good folks at the Salvationist have to keep up with new items, I am obviously interested in this topic staying on the Salvation Army's agenda, if not one of its priorities.

    Got any good news about what the Salvation Army near you is doing to reduce their impact on the earth or care for creation? Something I should see for the project to promote the kind of change you mention? Anyone got something I should know?