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“In Unity there is Strength”

Mon 11th Jun 2007 Add comment

integrate-haiti.jpgA team of individuals from across Canada, Integrate-Haiti ’07, organized by the Ontario Great Lakes Division, recently spent two weeks in Haiti. The trip was the vision of Nathanael Homewood, the divisional youth ministries co-ordinator, who along with Major Wayne Bungay, and Jen Frost lead the group.

The purpose of the trip was to come together to minister with Salvationists in Haiti, to develop understanding and relationships within the community, and to lend support to projects that had been initiated in Petit-Goave and Vialet.

The concept of integrated mission was fundamental as the group travelled in pilgrimage, to learn and be present with their hosts.

The motto of Haiti is “L’union fait la force” - In Unity there is Strength. This proved true for the 14 team members who lived in community and learned of the various gifts and strengths of each other.

The group worked with the corps people in painting the hall, quarters, and school at Petit-Goave and assisted in making benches for the corps at Vialet, and provided after-school programming for children.

They also learned much about worship and fellowship from people, who while lacking in material goods, (in this land of 80% unemployment and abject poverty many people eat just one meal every two days), were deep and rich in matters of the spirit.

The Divisional Commander, Major Ron Busroe (since returned to the US South Territory) shared that the team’s visit fulfilled three critical functions. The visit told Haitians that the team was in solidarity with them and that they wanted to learn from Haitians and be with them. The visit allowed the team members to see potential ways to nurture capacities to support the ministry in Haiti, to share at home how “Partners in Mission” is a significant initiative. Thirdly, the team was now in a position to pray specifically and more intelligently for their newly discovered brothers and sisters in the faith.

During this time of emphasis on “Partners in Mission” it is hoped that all may learn to stand in solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters around the world. That all may learn to share in tangible ways through our giving, be it time, talent or treasure. That all may remember to support one another in prayer.

The apostle Paul’s picture of the church as a body (with each member being important, and interdependent) can be applied to our world. The rich in goods, poor in spirit church in the west needs the poor in goods, rich in spirit church of the developing world. The analytical, scholastic church of Europe needs the expressiveness of the Latin American church; the expressive emotional Latin church needs the mind and thinking powers of the European church.

Thank God for the body of Christ, thank God for Christ in us the hope of glory. Thank God for the privilege sharing our abundance with others.

They shall come from the east, they shall come from the west,
And sit down in the Kingdom of God;
Out of great tribulation to triumph and rest
They'll sit down in the Kingdom of God.
From every tribe and every race, all men as brothers shall embrace;
They shall come from the east, they shall come from the west.
And sit down in the Kingdom of God.

by Major David Ivany
Territorial Youth Secretary

(pictured above is the team and below Petit-Groave hall repainted)


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