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Wanted: Volunteers to work with former sex offenders

Wed 25th Oct 2006 Add comment

Kingston, Ont. - The program "Circles of Support and Accountability" is supported by The Salvation Army, Correctional Service Canada and other funding sources.

"We're looking for people who want to make a difference by working with people who have come to the end of their sentences, particularly sex offenders," says Jim Manuel, program co-ordinator.

Each former offender is helped by a circle of five to seven volunteers. Each circle is created specifically around the needs of that former offender. "We have meetings as a group and also one-on one contacts throughout the week, depending on the needs. It could be having coffee or taking the individual to a medical appointment," says Manuel.

Major Stan Carr, public relations director for The Salvation Army, emphasizes that participation is voluntary on the part of the former inmates.

Most of the offenders have a number of issues thay have to deal with such as lack of job skills or literacy issues.

People interested in volunteering can call Jim Manuel at 1-613-353-7901.

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