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Press interview with US National Commander, Commissioner Israel Gaither

Tue 5th Dec 2006 Add comment

The late management guru Peter Drucker called the Salvation Army the most effective organization. It coordinates 3,661 officers, 112,513 soldiers, 422,543 members, 60,642 employees and 3.5 million volunteers. (By contrast, Wal-Mart, the largest private employer, has 1.8 million employees.) USA TODAY corporate management reporter Del Jones interviewed National Commander Israel Gaither at his Alexandria, Va., office just as the Salvation Army was preparing to launch its Red Kettle Christmas campaign. Gaither, 62, had this advice to business leaders on how to instill employees with a sense of mission.

Q: There have been corporate scandals at Enron, but also at non-profit organizations. Where do they lose their way?

A: It would be inappropriate to comment on the difficulties of others, but I set aside personal time of worship every morning to begin my day. I make my commitment, and then I have to live it. That's No. 1. The Salvation Army doesn't exist for itself. We exist to give ourselves away. That's why we're here. We don't exist to build empires. The army is a divine inspiration of God. But this is a humanly run organization. Nobody's perfect. We remind ourselves of that and watch for weaknesses.

Q: Can it be that simple? Can everyone stay out of trouble with a morning prayer?

A: I serve in a world weakened by sin. That's the context in which I serve, and I have to ask God to protect me, my mind, my thinking, my behavior. Is that the path to help an organization do what is right? Yeah, I think that's the way to do it.

Q: That will surely put a lot of leadership experts out of work. Do you read their secular advice, and are they off the mark?

A: I'm shaped primarily by values that are modeled by Christ. Now, there are corporate leaders who I also know that do the same thing. They would consider themselves to be in ministry. They feel their faith is significant to what they do and how they behave. Their aspirations are embraced in their faith. That's very important for the secular world.

Q: There must be terrific leaders who don't come from a Christian foundation.

A: It's a matter of being good, better or best. I'm not here to judge. I happen to believe that the way to the best leadership is modeling after Jesus.

Q: What specifically can a Christian CEO do better than a leader who is not Christian?

A: Their own integrity could make a difference. They're coming from a different mind-set. With Christians, there is no selfish motivation. It's purely spiritual.

Q: Many secular leadership gurus have promoted the concept of servant leadership. Are they onto something?

A: I define it a little differently than servanthood, or servant leadership. Servant leadership can be inactive. Serving leadership is active. It's not just a mantra. It's really doing and being the kind of leader that Jesus would have us model. Serving leadership is not about me. It's about giving myself absolutely to my mission.

Q: Does American business succeed because God blesses us more than other countries?

A: I thank God for America because truly there are gifts stewarded to us, and we bear a responsibility to others who are less fortunate. We do very well at supporting developing places. But, sometimes, we who are in the land of plenty think that we are better. Wrong. There are people in Africa who are blessed. I've been among them and, even in their impoverishment, they are joyful. I've been around people in the first world who are unhappy. With all the material gifts, there's a hole in the heart. Gifts, blessings of God, are stewarded to us. Gifted to us. Yes, America is blessed, but there are a whole lot of other places in the world that are, as well.

Q: Can't capitalism sometimes seem at odds with Christianity?

A: God can sanctify and use the gifts and efforts of big business. I thank God for people like Joan Kroc, Bill Gates and those who are in small businesses who also are part of the capitalistic nature of America and who are also giving. People plow back resources to benefit a community. That's a concept we must never lose. As America slides into materialism and secularism, we've got to return to root values, which are spiritual values. I salute and humbly thank those doing their part.

Q: Can Home Depot expect workers to be motivated in the same way as those who volunteer for Habitat for Humanity?

A: Every person, no matter what they do, must feel important toward supporting the mission. The person who cleans a Salvation Army building must know they are keeping it attractive so when a client comes to receive service, they feel comfortable. The question to ask is: Do I believe in the product and do I believe in the value and integrity of the product? I couldn't sell certain products. You can't manufacture integrity.

Q: Companies can fire employees who fall short of the mission. Is it difficult to fire someone from the Salvation Army?

A: We're all human, and there are those who falter, and we have to go alongside, pick up, teach and re-engage. But if you're an officer and you're not functioning in keeping with the standards, practices and policies, you won't have a responsibility to engage (in the) mission with us. Why should you? If there are employees who are not doing their job, they don't have a job.

Q: That policy doesn't sound a lot different than those at a lot of companies.

A: There are companies that go at it compassionately, just like we do, but with a firm understanding of what's expected.

Q: Companies worry about "mission creep," or chasing opportunity in areas beyond their expertise. How do you guard against mission creep?

A: The Salvation Army is so loved that people think we can do anything. We're humbled, but there are some things we don't do. We don't pick up rubbish in a neighborhood. We have to stay on our mission. When we launch out into an endeavor, we ask ourselves: Is this mission worthy?

New ideas are to be tested against the mission purpose. We have to be careful because America has a tremendous love affair with the Salvation Army. There's always the tug: We need you here, we need you there. We have to be courageous enough to say that's really not what we do.

Q: Is mission creep tougher for the Salvation Army to control?

A: We have the social ministry, and we have the ecclesiastical ministry, and we have to ensure that they are integrated. We don't divide a person and say we're going to split you off and just serve the human side. The cup of cold water, the place to stay, a kid going to camp, a senior citizen helped in their home can't be separated from the spiritual side.

I often describe the Salvation Army, as (author) Langston Hughes did when he wrote about a butterfly with two wings. If one of those wings is broken, it ceases to be what it was born to be. The Salvation Army is the same.


• Salvation Army's first African-American national commander. Forty years of service include time in Africa and the U.K.
• Native of New Castle, Pa. Yankees fan. Known for his singing voice.
• Married in 1967 to Eva Gaither, a fifth-generation Salvationist. First racially integrated marriage of U.S. Salvation Army officers.
• Biography Israel L. Gaither: Man with a Mission published last month (


• Begin the day with prayer.
• Organizations involve humans, and humans sometimes falter. Leaders should pick up those who have fallen but also have the option to fire them.
• Serving leadership is active leadership, not a mantra.
• Guard against mission creep. Be courageous enough to say no.

Reprinted with permission from USA Today

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