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Nidus Festival 2006

Fri 14th Jul 2006 Add comment


Feel The Current is going to be an amazing 3-day ecumenical Christian celebration of faith, arts and justice, which will happen from August 4-6 in Kitchener-Waterloo. This new festival is sponsored through the Canadian Council of Churches with many friends. Nidus is programmed primarily for young adults/youth, but the scope of the festival is appealing to many others. We're encouraging folks of all ages and Christian traditions to come for the whole weekend and be part of something creative, faith-filled, justice-seeking, new and exciting.

Some of the names and things already booked for Nidus 2006: Feel The Current include:

brian mclaren; frederica matthewes-green; miranda stone; aradhna; jacob moon; toronto mass choir; starflyer 59; ill seer; blue like jazz live; susan aglukark; the billions; danielson; steve bell; shad k; critical mass; First Nations and HIV/AIDS; gunaseelan dance company; fr. peter jon gilquist; renaissance ensemble; fergus marsh; bruxy cavey; freedom 2 worship; shane claiborne; brian walsh; geez magazine; mirah challenge fair trade cafe; Brazillian speaker on HIV/AIDS; drum circles; freedomize; Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Anglican Eucharists; art installations; multimedia labyrinth; celtic worship ceilidh; Prayer with the Songs of Taize; late night hip hop and electronic music; graffiti; t-shirt screening and we're still booking, so expect much, much moreā€¦

In order to make ordering easier, we've attached a form (in MSWord format) for you to email, phone or fax your ticket orders to us (no service charge). We'll send your tickets via mail as soon as we process your order. You can also order online (instant printing of ticket) through, though there is a small service charge to do it that way.

Nidus is sponsored through the Canadian Council of Churches in partnership with Faith Life Financial.

Buy a weekend festival pass for $95
Weekend festival pass with camping for $120
(other options available too - including group and volunteer rates)

If you have any questions, please email us at

Visit us at

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