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Manitoba and NW Ontario Divisional Women's Camp 2006

Wed 28th Jun 2006 Add comment

Extreme Makeover - Inside Edition

Ecclesiastes 3:1 (KJV) tells us, "To everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven." As 95 women gathered at Camp Woodlands on the 2nd day of June, 2006, this was truly the case. Each arrived with needs that may have even been recognized only by God but as we gathered together in one body, He began a work in each individual. None left the way they had come in - a spiritual renewal - an 'extreme makeover inside edition' - took place.

manitoba-womenscamp.jpgYou may ask how it is possible for 95 people to experience the same weekend agenda and yet each experience personal renewal. It could have been one of the workshops - 'clean sweep' or 'renovating my wardrobe." Then again, participation in the challenging crafts - paper quilling and tile stamping - might have provided a much-needed sense of accomplishment. Surely the spa treatments had the potential to ease tensions as we were soaked, massaged, and painted.

The pampering didn't start and end with the spa, however. Each time we gathered together in the dining room each place setting provided a sense of personal importance both in the manner of presentation and the little gifts that were found waiting. It's hard to believe that 'camp fare' could include a roast beef dinner complete with Yorkshire pudding and home made pies!

Major Sandra Rice, guest speaker, offered us the opportunity to laugh and to cry; to think and to pray; to experience Psalm 23 in a new fashion. As promised, we will not divulge any of Major Rice's personal 'quirks' but, for those of us who participated, we will smile each time we think of the three B's and Botox.

One of the most solemn, and yet celebratory, events that impacted our weekend was the Sunday morning dedication of two flowering shrubs at the entrance to the camp. Captain Dora Keeping led us in prayer and the singing of Jocelyn's favourite hymn - How Great Thou Art. Jocelyn Hill may have gone to be with the LORD but the memories shared let everyone know that she will always be part of Camp Woodland in spirit.

A Friday night campfire followed by a Midnight Madness book exchange and white elephant sale, a Saturday afternoon fashion show from the Brandon 'Sally Ann Boutique', and a Saturday evening auction created a lot of fun over the weekend. Having fun can also result in raising money for missions - to the tune of $1009.25!

Time spent in the prayer room, in cabin gatherings and in quiet walks around the beautiful grounds of Camp Woodlands allowed for periods of sharing, of personal reflection and of connecting with God in powerful ways. Psalm 23:2-3 says, "You lead me to steams of peaceful water, and You refresh my Life".

There are many to thank for their efforts in making this experience of "Extreme Makeover - Inside Edition" a valuable one. We know, however, that no matter how much thought and planning went into this weekend, it was only through God's provision of personal care that each of us went away feeling refreshed and renewed.

God is good and greatly to be praised!

Submitted by Captain Gerry Lindholm
The Salvation Army Thompson Corps

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