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Making a difference for the homeless in Langley, B.C.

Wed 24th May 2006 Add comment

Joannes-camp.jpgIn February, 2006, Envoy Gary Johnson, Langley South, B.C., received a phone call from a care group member of the South Ridge Fellowship church in Langley. They, along with eleven other care groups in their church had been given a "Kingdom Assignment" from the pastor and leadership team of their church. Each care group had been offered $1,000 seed money to go into their community and make a difference.

This care group wanted to partner with The Salvation Army and do a fundraiser to assist with the development of an Emergency Shelter in Langley.

There has been a great deal of positive press and public response to the need of an Emergency Shelter in Langley over the last 10 months and the care group wanted to be a part of the solution of dealing with the homelessness issues in the community.

Gary and his wife, Linda, met with the care group and they suggested a golf tournament fundraiser as their "Kingdom Assignment." This group consisting of only six couples made the commitment to undertake such a huge task.

portalberni_golffundraiser.jpgThe event was held May 5, 2006 and included a round of golf, banquet, silent auction, as well as selling mulligans and a putting contest.

The Reservist Band from Vancouver added to the ambiance during the pre tee-off time that also featured a free lunch put on by Freybe Meats, a local meat processing manufacturer.

The weather cooperated with a perfect sunny and breezy day which added wonderfully to the "fair like" atmosphere of the day.

Several businesses stepped forward to be sponsors including Dowco as the major sponsor of the Platinum sponsorship of $15,000, as well as $1,500 sponsorships for all 18 holes. We were able to secure hundreds of prizes and items for the silent auction making it possible for all 122 golfers to have a prize after their round of golf. The silent auction raised over $4,500.

After all expenses have been accounted for we have a grand total of $46,000 profit for the event.

This money will go into the operations of a new shelter that is urgently required to serve those who are homeless in the community of Langley.

Some of the comments from participants were:

• "I have never been to a tournament so well organized"
• "If there are as many homeless sleeping outside in Langley as there are at this banquet tonight then we have to do something about it and for me to come here and spend a few hundred dollars is the least I can do to help with this problem"
• "We thought the band and lunch were a great idea and added a lot of excitement to the day"
• "I have never been to a tournament that raised this much money on the first try"


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