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Kick Start Your Fall Program

Mon 7th Aug 2006 Add comment

Summer's almost over. Get in gear with these creative ideas for September

Ah, there's nothing like lying on warm sand at the beach and soaking up the rays. It's one of the best ways to put everything out of your mind. Just relax and feel the warm sun. Couldn't you just stay this way forever? No worries. No work. No deadlines. Then someone runs by, kicks sand on you and the moment is broken. Reality seeps in. Fall is fast approaching and with it a new ministry season at the church.How will you begin your fall season this year? Will it start with a bang? Or will it just materialize haphazardly? After the lazy, hazy days of summer an exciting kick-off to your fall ministry year is a must. A kick-off reignites and motivates ministry leaders who've been enjoying a time of rest. It helps them make the transition to the fast pace of fall. August is the time to regroup your workers for a planning session. Hold an end of summer barbecue where ministry workers can reconnect, be encouraged and get mobilized.

When scheduling your fall kick-off event be sure to pick a weekend that's not too early. Families need a chance to get their kids settled into school and ministry workers need a chance to get organized. Find out when your workers are available and when community people are searching for new activities. Not sure what type of event you'd like to have? Visit and (membership required) for inventive ideas.

Once you've connected with church leaders, start mobilizing the rest of your congregation to get involved with the Saturday kick-off. A one-day event provides church members with a focused commitment that is easy to say "yes" to. Assign simple tasks such as cooking food, organizing games or activities, greeting visitors and inviting them to return on Sunday and manning display booths that show what ministries your church has to offer.

Provide church members with postcard-sized invitations that they can give to friends and neighbours. A few weeks before your kick-off event have everyone, young and old alike, pick five people to invite. Challenge them to pray for those names every day for a week before asking their friends to the event. Post a sign on the front lawn of your church and distribute flyers advertising your event. Check out for more ideas on how to can advertise your church in your community.

Plan a great Sunday service for the same weekend. Ensure that the service is visitor-friendly. Be aware of "church" terminology. Make an extra effort to greet visitors and gather their information for future follow-up. Serve refreshments after the service where regular attendees can share a coffee or Kool-Aid with visiting friends and neighbours. Provide engaging child care for little ones. Go out of your usual routine and consider having a special guest for your children's program such as a Christian clown, magician or athlete. If there is a Sunday when extra money should be spent for evangelism, this is the day!

Take advantage of the opportunity to display your "wares." Organize a ministry fair where the different groups in your church can prepare display that explains what their ministry is all about. Everyone at your kick-off event should leave knowing that there is something during the week that they can become involved in at your church, whether it's a Bible study group on Thursday, Baby Song on Wednesday mornings, Pioneer Clubs on Tuesday nights, sports club on Mondays after school, youth chorus or band on Friday evenings or Sunday school during church time. This fair is a chance to give out information; it's not a high pressure, sign-up-today tactic. Set up display booths at both your fun family event and on Sunday morning during the refreshment time after church.

Enjoy those last few moments of summer, but open your mind to God's whispers about your ministry season ahead. Plan a fall kick-off that is exciting, energized and well-balanced. Use it as an opportunity to reaffirm church members, and to make visitors feel that your church is the place to be.

In the meantime, you'll have to excuse me, you're blocking my sun!

by Valerie Pavey
Corps Ministries Department, Territorial Headquarters

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