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Grande Prairie, Alta., welcomes new members and celebrates new life

Wed 19th Jul 2006 Add comment

Grand-Prairie-(1)-Senior-En.jpgCongratulations to new members enrolled at the Grande Praire Corps. From left, Mandy Walker; Brenden Walker; Ryan Law, youth pastor; Robert Bidyk; Nik Diesel; Ed Woods; Sandra Woods; Ken Davis; Dawn Jaravata; Cpts Dale and Jo Sobool, COs

Grand-Prairie-(3)Junior-Enr.jpgJunior members enrolled are from left, Shannon Pennycook; Nathan Jones; Miranda Harris and Joshua Scott. Back row are Kerry and Marilyn Harris, junior soldier leaders; Ryan Law, youth pastor; Cpts Jo and Dale Sobool,COs

grandpairie1.jpgNew life is celebrated as Jeff and Tammy Ferns dedicate baby Connor back to God and Marilou and Ellis Ricketts dedicate baby Zachary back to God

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