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Chilliwack Salvation Army makes summer fun

Tue 26th Sep 2006 Add comment

Tim Bohr is the family pastor at the Salvation Army Church on Brooks Ave, Chilliwack, B.C.

During this past summer, the church, as always, offered programs for children 6-12. Day programs included waterslides, Science World, Green Hill Acres Farm, swimming and flying in a plane from Chilliwack to Harrison for $15 only per child.

The soccer camp involved professional trainers and some great prizes for the kids based on their good behaviour.

The Vacation Bible School taught good principals including service, bravery and strength. They also learned about places around the world.

Crafts taught hands-on wood projects such as bird feeders and toy boats.

One parent writes: "The kids had a better summer thanks to all the programs the church so graciously provided. They can't wait to sign up for next year."

Thanks to Tim and his team of helpers for bringing the good news of Jesus to kids in their community.

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